mOnY's Cozy Space

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another blessing..

Last night, I was checking my email and ready to delete all those junk emails!! But then, I realized that there is one email with interesting subject line : "You are invited to interview with Google!"..
"Yeahhh, right!" I thought....
Then, after 5 seconds screening the email, I realized, hmmm this is a real email..ahhahaha
Oh well, I am flattered that I can get this opportunity to interview with the BIGGEST company ever, but I have to be honest, I am scared! I dont want to get too excited, let's just take this one step at a time, starting with prayer, hehehehe....anyway, thank You, GOD! and thanks for people out there who have the time to mention my name in their daily prayers.. :)

Monday, January 29, 2007

busy .. busy

This week = extremely busy..I have a midterm, a presentation, homework, SPRINT interview, yada yada yada... I dont like this week, especially I dread this coming Saturday! -s- finally will move to CO. *sigh* I dont like LD. I used to be fine with LD, but as I grew older, I realized how much time and energy are sacrificed to maintain LDR. I dont know.. Im sadddddd :(

Last Saturday, we watched SAW 3. I have never thought I would watch this movie. I've always thought that this is one of those movies that I will never ever want to watch. But, what can I say... the boyz picked out the movie and they forced me to watch! Geezzzzzzzzz.... so scary but the story line is interesting.. hmmm...

Anyhow, that's it for today, I might not be able to write for the rest of the week with my busy schedule, but we'll see.
Please pray for my interview and my farewell. Hopefully, I can suck this up and be stronger. amen.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Got a call from my dad and mom this morning.. they told me that Jakarta was pouring with rain..Heavy rain! Most of the places in town are flooded...including our house. But, surprisingly, only half part of my house got lil' bit of water.. Hmmm...I hate when this happens! Luckily, we have 2 maids that have a superpower (that's what my mom said), so they can help my mom moving things to upstairs. Hmphh..
You know.. one of my professors here, he is Indian.. He always talk about how bad India is and how he doesn't want to go back there anymore, bla blabla.. Bottom line, he dislikes his own country. And, there are only 3 International students in the class: me, Taiwanesse, Bulgarian. Whenever he made comments about India, he then will ask three of us about our opinion of our country. Geeeezzz... I think everybody gets it that he does not like India and he prefers to stay here, but I dont like when he "over" emphasize the point. I think other students who have never seen Asian countries will think that Asian countries are really bad!
So, yesterday when he asked me if I will be going back to Indo when Im finished with school, I answered, "It's not too bad to live there!" hohoho.. Of course, everything has its own bad and good side, but here is not perfect either.
Hmphhh.. sure, Jakarta is full of traffic jam, crimes, slums,bla bla, you name it... but it's still my hometown where my dearest people live. Plus, we have things that we dont have in the US, such as cheap, delicious food, cheap stuffs, and most importantly: service! :P
After class, I was talking with the other International students, and they all feel the same way. I guess, we don't like to hear people dissing about Asian, no matter how bad it is.

Anyhow, now I got that out of my system, I am relieved! :P
I'm having an interview with Sprint-Nextel next Thursday, please pray for me as I am not even sure that I want this job :P but it's worth of try.
I also have an interview with Capital One, but it's in Virginia, and I dont think I want to move there, mmmm...anyway, just pray that God will guide me along the way, amen!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What's wrong with Chloe?

Chloe was sick.. uh oh... When I went home from work 2 nights ago, I discovered that she pooped in her crate! Oh nooo... she never ever do that.. So I had to clean up the crate.. I had to throw away her hoodie--pink-blanket because she pooped on it. Yux!
It's just $1 so I might as well buy a new one for her. Anyway, so I immediately realized that something must be wrong..She was shaking and drank a lot. After I cleaned up her crate, I put her back into the crate. Then, about 30 minutes later, I heard she was barking and crying. Uh oh... I think she just threw up and peed! Gosh..
I had to clean up the crate again.. my oh my.. for the first time, I felt like a real mother..wake up in the middle of the night just to calm my baby and clean her bed..hahaha... After cleaning up, Chloe did not want to go back into her crate. I had to pet her first.. I had to tell her that it's ok to go back into the crate..."It's ok baby, it's ok...u're going to be ok".
You might think I am crazy, but somehow, I knew that Chloe understood what I was saying because right after that, she walked into her crate. ahauhuahaa.
Then, finally, I was able to have my good night sleep.

The next day, I was told to boil ground beef, add it with rice and yogurt for Chloe. The food is supposed to heal Chloe's diarrhea ( at least I thought she had diarrhea since she had soft stool). So, if you suspect that your dog has a diarrhea, you dont need to take her to Vet right away. Instead, try this:

-Cut the amount of food you are feeding in half
-Feed home cooked bland diets; they are vastly superior to the commercial bland diets promoted by many veterinarians
-Bland foods include:
-1/3 meat
Cooked meats that are very low in fat such as chicken (you can also boil hamburger, which will remove all the fat)
-2/3 rice or other bland grain
Cottage Cheese
White Rice (some will do better on cooked oatmeal)

Do not add any oils or fats to the diet at this point

To the Bland Food, add:
-Yogurt 1-3 tablespoons per meal (yogurt is soothing but does not really provide any significant beneficial bacteria.... see our information about
Lactobacillus sporogenes)
-Boiled Sweet Potato: 2-4 tablespoons

Apparently, dog likes it. At least, Chloe liked it! She finished her dinner right away. Hohoho..She is doing better too, so it's all good.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Yesterday I spent my day working until 5pm then went back home to let Chloe out. After that, we went to Walmie to get a TV antenna. BTW, did you know that we are no longer getting FOX channel through MEDIACOM. FOX and MEDIACOM had an argument over an increased price for FOX, bla bla..Mediacom doesn't want to put FOX in their channels because they dont want to carry higher cost which transferable to higher price for us. For me personally, I dont really care... but I also dont want to pay an extra fee just to get one channel.. Geez! I only care that FOX has lots of TV shows that we love, such as 24, Prison Break, Heroes, bla blabla. So we decided to get an antenna to catch FOX transmission for free :P.
I do understand Mediacom's business strategy, but I do also understand Fox's strategy. Well, no one to blame really, since of course both of them want to earn more money and cut cost. Anyhow, I heard that Mediacom will give its customers a free antenna so that we can watch FOX without having to pay extra money.
Anyhow, as usual, I spend my Monday evening working at my Prof's house. But before then, I made a sandwich for dinner. Plus, I decided to fried all of Fish Crackers that we bought from Oriental Grocery Store. Gosh, I hate frying!!! Made the whole house and myself smelly!

Hmm, next week is a Business Career Fair... I hate this time of year.. Oh Goddddd....sometimes I do feel so helpless, I dont know where should I go.. I can only pray that someone will actually want to hire me.. huhuhu. Additionally, Im having so much dilemma.. Should I move to CO? If I do, I will have to leave my brother and my beloved professor...I will feel very sad.. Plus, I dont really like the coldness in CO. But, -s- is there... HMPH!!!! I dont know...I really dont know..
And I am thinking of going back home, but I really cannot do that.. I feel that I have to work for at least 2 years here, so that I can save some money and be independent..then my ultimate goal, to take care of my parents ....
*sigh*... anyhow..let's be positive..think positive... AMEN..

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tough Mission, but yet accomplished!!! last Friday we went to Columbus, Ohio. We drove for about 10 hours in Mini Cooper. Oh gosh, it was really a struggle to sit around 10 hr in that small-but-yet-fancy-car. My butt and my feet hurts! Especially, boys' feet are so much longer than mine so I had to sacrifice my space for their feet. hohhoho, but we had fun...Tired, but fun!
Ohio...hmmm..such a big city!!! We went to Ohio State University, they had a really2 big building for their sport center. HUGE!!! Oh gosh, I really like their swimming pool, they had a hot tub too! I think the building has 3 levels/stories ( if I remember it correctly).
Anyhow, we went to OH to get a Mini Cooper for -s-. Let me tell you, I really hate bargaining with car salesperson. It's just, we have to stick with our price and see who is breaking down first. Oh gosh, it is really similar with bargaining in Mangga Dua, Jakarta! First, we pretended that we did not really want the car. We said our price and the dealer said his price. Of course, the dealer will want a higher price than ours. Then, we pretended that we had other options, so we left the dealership hoping that the salesperson will call us. I've never thought that it would work!! But, it did!!! Hmphhh!! Soo to make the story short, the salesperson called -s-, said that he can lower the price $50 more, hahahaha... only $50,huh? Then, -s- said that he would think about it. Thenn, finally after some more bargaining, we were able to settle at our original price, which is lower than the dealer's price. :D praise GOD!

When we drove back, it took us about 14 hours instead of 10 hr since it snowed and the road was really slippery. To make the matter interesting, we got pulled over by the police. HAHAHAHA....NICE! We drove at 75 in 70 area, but the police claimed that we drove 80! Hmph, but in the end, we did not get any ticket whatsoever. Did not get a warning either! He just gave us back the driver license and the registration and said that we could only drive at 70.
Should I say it's a miracle? If he wanted, he could give tickets for both cars but, he just let us go.. huhuhuhu.. Thank God..

So here I am, very hungry...waiting for the boyz finished pampering their cars.. Hmph!!! I AM HUNGRY!!! :(
But I am GLAD to be HOME! I thought it was a never-ending-journey! anyhow.. nite nite...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Today's mission: OHIO

Last night after I got back from my class, -s- told me the news: we are going to OHIO tomorrow! sudden! I emailed my professor right away telling him that I m not going to be able to come to Saturday class. Hopefully, I won't get grilled..

Anyhow, so 4 of us will have a quick road trip to OH today at noon. I cannot say what we're gonna do now since it's still a top secret. I only told few people about this... hihihih, so sssttttttt (keep it down)..... I will let you know tomorrow how it goes.
It's about 10-hour drive from Ames to Ohio..soo it'd be an interesting ride since we'll be riding in Mini Cooper..

I have never been to OH, but I suppose people always mix-up Iowa with Ohio..I guess maybe the pronounciation is similar. Plus, not many people have heard of Iowa.
Mmmm...I think the last time I have been in a road trip was 2 years ago when we went to Colorado. So I really hope my butt will cooperate with me this time as it's going to be a long long ride. -_-''

Oh one more thing, Chloe is going to meet her playmate today! yay!! I bet Morgan will be soo happy to see Chloe, hihihih Thanks -dx3- for taking care of my baby this weekend! Upahmu besar di Surga, aminnn...Remember to take pics please.. :P

Anyway, have a great weekend and stay warm!

All for Love

Love it!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Evil TV

This is totally weird.. I cannot believe that this is real.. I just read from CNN that lil' kids are imitating the death of Saddam Hussein!! O M G!...
They hanged them self,thinking that it's just a game.

"RABAT, Morocco (Reuters) -- A Moroccan man returned home to find his 11-year-old son hanging dead from the ceiling, a newspaper said on Thursday, the latest victim of a macabre game in which children mimic the death of Saddam Hussein.
The boy decided to copy the former Iraq leader's execution while playing with his younger sister at their home in Khemisset, 80 kilometers (50 miles) east of the capital of Rabat, newspaper Al Ahdat al-Maghrebia reported.
"The girl then went to school and left her brother playing his deadly game," it said, adding that local officials had opened an inquiry into the death." (READ THE NEWS HERE )

Fears that children too affected by violence in TV news

The deaths have led many to question the television coverage of the graphic violence in Iraq and the Palestinian territories and the influence on children across the region.
"What have children to do with this kind of thing? They should be playing, painting or reading," said Moroccan sociologist Youssef Sadik.
"It is a characteristic of the Muslim world that we have an over-politicized society. Everyone's into politics, discussing events in Palestine and Iraq and hooked on Al-Jazeera."
The manner of Husein's execution at the hands of a U.S.-backed government led by Iraq's Shiite Arab majority led many people in predominantly Sunni Muslim North Africa to momentarily forget his past record.
Many were impressed by his dignity on the gallows in the face of insults hurled at him in his final moments and some praised him as a hero.
That clearly had a powerful effect on younger minds, said Sadik.
"Children in Morocco are under pressure from an early age to try to be heroes themselves, to be the ones who succeeded where others around them did not," he said.

Why on earth, would you do this thing? How can anyone want to imitate the death of someone else? You know.. now I realize, we do really need to control our TV for our kids. But, a 11-year-old-boy?? Isn't he ,at that age, supposed to at least able to differentiate which one is good or which one is bad? Hmm...maybe not then.

I remember when I was a kid, my parent did not let us watch until every 4pm. They kept the TV inside their bedroom and then they would bring the TV out right at 4 o'clock so we (the kids) can watch cartoon on TV in the living room. Other than that, I dont think I remember I watched anything else. I used to think that my mom and dad were weird for doing that. But now.. I think it made a lot of sense. Plus, my parents like to buy a japanese cartoon video to watch.
Hmmm...I am glad I have a great family..well sure, we all had our ups and downs, but despite everything.. I turn out great, right?? Well, maybe not great yet, but soon-to-be-great. Hohoho, AMEN!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My motto! So what gitu lohh

So sleepyyy..

Oh gosh, today I woke up at 11am and I woke up just because I heard my phone ringing!! I was supposed to take a shower at 11 and get ready to go to work at 12. hmmm... It's all because I slept quite late last night.. We went home from surprise birthday party after 1 am so I probably slept at 1.30am. hohoho...
And now, I am still sleepy.. -_-'

Today will be my first off-campus class. I am actually quite nervous about this class. In addition to we have to drive up to DSM every Tuesday and Thursday, I dont really like the professor for this class. He is meannn!! (at least many people think so too). If I had a choice, I would not want to take this class.. Hmph!! Many of my friends avoid taking this class because they know that this class would be hard. I am now left alone in a jungle with the "lion" roaring at me.. Brrrr.. I can feel a goosebump... I gotta leave right at 4.45 pm so that we can arrive right before class starts. Arghhh... soo not looking forward to this!But, luckily, I get a ride from 2 of my friends so we can split the gas money. That's a relief!

Mmm.. I dont know why, for some reason, I am feeling quite lonely here. This might be my PMS talking. But, after I got back from Indo, I am feeling a bit "different". I have always thought that I want to live here for a long time, but now, somehow.. I dont feel like that anymore. Part of me want to go home...but part of me want to stay here to work so that I can save enough money to maybe start my own business someday. hmmmm.... so confusing...
Oh well...I guess we gotta do what we gotta do...

Monday, January 15, 2007


Weekend.. what did I do for weekend... Satuday, I had class in the morning. I am glad that I have Dr.Barone for that class. He is quite fun, so 3.5-hour-class is not boring. Plus, I've already taken a similar course with him, so this class should not be that hard.
I think we spent our whole Saturday by resting, cooking and watching DVD. I bought this DVD from Indo, it's a Japanese movie actually. It's called "1 Litre of Tears"
A super sad story..but it is a true story and that what makes the movie more sad, knowing that there is an actual person experiencing this. The girl in the story has this disease...Spinocerebellar Degeneration, made her paralyzed gradually until she cant walk, cant talk, cant move, cant even swallow the end, cant breathe on her's really sad. I recommend u to watch it.

Anyhow, It snowed like mad too! Super cold...brrrr... Our friends went sliding and we just stopped by to watch them sliding. I cannot believe that lots of people sliding too on that night. I didnt slide because I didnt have my right gear on, hohoho (yeah, thats my excuse). So I ended up just taking pictures.. :P

We also had our dinner at Old Chicago (finally!). And, guess what?! the check came right about at $24.90!! We ordered a pizza, a calzone, and one cookie milk shake. With $25 gift card I had, we spent our nice dinner FREE.. hihihihi. yum yum..

Ok, thats it for my simple weekend :P

Saturday, January 13, 2007

My Bad Habit

Last night, we didn't go to Old Chicago like we planned. Initially, we planned to have dinner there after we watch movie at the mall, but then we ended up did neither of them. You know why!?? It's because I and -s- was too busy cleaning and throwing stuffs away from my bedroom, hahahhaa. I just realized, I have a very bad habit of keeping stuffs even though I might not need it. I also cannot throw away stuffs that my friends gave me. Additionally, this made me realize that I have lots of gifts from my friends! Boy, am I blessed?! But I am really sorry that I had to throw away some of those stuffs yesterday because I cannot keep it anymore, Otherwise, my bedroom may sink.. LOL
So last night, I think we managed to throw 3 big trash bags full of stuffs just from my bedroom. WOW..amazing, huh?That was a really total cleaning!
-s- also helped me to put down my big desktop monitor and assemble the flat monitor that was given from my friend. I cannot believe how much space I have now on my desk.
I am thinking of selling my old monitor, but really, does anyone still want to buy that nowadays? I will sell it for $5 if anyone wants it.
I even threw my old radio/CD/cassette player. Hohoho, that saves me space too! Thanks to -s- for helping me out to clean and THROW stuffs away because I know, if I dont have the motivation and support, I will not be able to throw stuffs away like yesterday. Phewwwww... Now, I still have to clean up the living room and kitchen. *Sigh*

Anyhow, today, it's snowing!!!!!!! and It's super duper cold!!!! I even slept with a sweater on last night because it was really cold. First day of snow is supposed to be a nice one because the road is not slipper yet. Wait for tomorrow, we might have an icy road...DANG! I hate that!
When, oh when, do I get out from Iowa? :P

Friday, January 12, 2007

Old Chicago anyone?

I got this Gift Card from my boss.. Old Chicago Gift Card. How nice of him!! I am touched!! I dont think I've ever gotten a gift from my bosses before. Well, I got a "bonus" before, but not a "gift". Anyhow, so I am thinking of having a nice dinner at Old Chicago. I dont know what to pick though. I probably will try calzone. Mmmm....

For some reason, these days, I am craving for more veggies and fruits. For instance, I just bought 2 bags of baby spinach because I soo wanted to make a sandwich and a salad using the spinach. Plus, now I am craving for apples! What's wrong with me? Usually, I prefer meat than veggies. Hohoho.. I think someone back home has been praying for me so that I eat more veggies and fruits!! (Right, mom???) :P

So I made a sandwich consisting of turkey, spinach, egg, cheese and ranch dressing. Hmm, doesn't sound too healthy, does it? But I put lots spinach for the sandwich!!! :P
Now, I wanna try to make a salad with sunflower seed. Long time ago, my friend made me one of these salads using sunflower seed, and it really tasted yummy. I actually thought sunflower seed will taste weird, but it kinna tastes sweet, which is good.

Yesterday, -s- made Rawon soup.. mmmmmm I cant explain it in English, so anybody who knows how to describe this in English, please do so. But anyway, it was deliciousssssssss... we made a big pot! Well, no worries, my bro and -s-'s roommies finished most of it soo we didnt really get too much of leftover. :P

Well, we might want to go watch a movie tonight.. Which one should we watch? The Prestige, Borat or Deja Vu??? Oh btw, I just got an email from my mom. She said she is going to see a movie with my dad after probably 20 years!!! Well, my mom doesnt like to watch, only my dad likes to watch. Soo, this is a good thing!! Yay for my folks, hahahaha

Have a great weekend guys! Sorry for those of you who dont have a day off for Martin Luther King day....hehehe for us who are still in school, yeah, we still have our benefit :D

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thoughts of the day

Hmm.. It seems like everyone around me either getting married or getting pregnant... Am I entering a phase here? Why is everyone doing that while I am still in school?? Tsk tsk tsk...Now I know that 2 of my best friends are getting married this year, 3 of my cousins are getting married as well, and 2 of my best friends are pregnant. Holly Molly!

Dont get me wrong, I dont have a desire to do both right now.. I guess I am still scared to think about marriage, let alone PREGNANT!!

I cannot imagine what I would do if I am pregnant. I might call my mom and ask her to come here, hihihihiih....

Seems like, pregnancy is a very big thing and a life-changing event!!! First, you have to deal with your body acting strange since you will be carrying a human being in your tummy. Both of my friends have weird sickness (not really weird, it's just it's very seldom happening to them before they get pregnant): toothaches, backpain, constant flu, bla bla bla bla.

Whoaaaaaaa.. If I were them, I would scream : " I want my mommyyyyyyyyyyyy" hihihihihi

Gosh.. I hate to be a grown-up. Now that I am almost quarter of a decade, I will have to think about these stuffs: marriage and babies.. uh oh..

Well, before I concentrate on those 2 big subjects, I will need to find a job first, hihihihi

sooo now I have so many things to do after May on my list, :(

Real Life Garfield?LOOK!

Ok, this is just for fun. I read a news that someone has a very fat cat. I think she looks like GARFIELD, only the cat needs to be painted orange, tee hee hee.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Life after Big Break..

It's been almost a week since I got back in Ames.. can you believe that? For some reason, I have to adjust things here again. For example, I have to get used to being alone in my apartment. Back at home in Indo, my house can be considered as loud, in a good way though...there's always two of our maids talking and cooking and cleaning, my mom wanders around the house trying to check if there is anything she can fix or clean, or in the morning, my dad will come to our room and try to wake us up by kissing us with his itchy moustache.. hihihhi..
Now, when I go back to my apartment, I feel sooo empty!!! Luckily, I have Chloe that always welcome me with her naughtyness and cuteness. Plus, -s- is still here to accompany me until the end of January... blu hu hu hu

Hmph... my class has not started yet until this Saturday. I am not really looking forward to these classes, hahaha because I am still in vacation mode. *Sigh*.. I cannot believe that December is gone..all I have now is a full year, another 11 months to Xmas ... how sad..
I actually like December, because I feel thats the time when people share happiness and peace and kindness (the magic of Christmas).
Anyhow, I will be driving to Des Moines back and forth every Tuesday and Thursday since I have class there, Bummer!!! I am really not looking forward to that.

This semester might serve as an interesting chapter in my life as I will be hunting jobs like mad and thinking about my future (should I move, if so, where to, bla bla bla)...
MMMMM.... let's pray so that God will be with me all the way through.. AMEN

Meanwhile, here is a song that I like recently.. It's called "Beautiful Memory"..

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mmmmm Im loving my new Cell and On-Chang doll

Well... I am particulary happy with my new toys: cell and doll.. I bought MotoKRZR from Amazon because I switched to Verizon. Let me tell you, now I am able to shut down my residential phone because I dont need it anymore. I have great signal from my cell at my house!! woo hoo... it will save me around $35 per month now since I dont have to pay for house phone that I rarely use. My phone is very shinny and thin and sleek!

I also love the doll that my big bro bought for me from JAPAN. We call it "On-Chang"..We created the name, hohoho...I think the original name for the doll is Siropan, but Im not quite sure.

"On" comes from "blo-on" in Indonesian (means , and "Chang" is a Japanese word, that I dont really know what it means. I only know that we always call little kid's name in Japan and add the word "Chang" in the end.. ahuahauha... For my loyal blog readers, you should probably know that I have the smaller version of On-Chang that I bought last year when I went to Japan (it's the one at first stack).

Now, my brother bought me the Medium size: the second doll in the picture!! Me love it!

It is sooo softttttt and cuddly!!! I can use it for body pillow.. hahahaha

Arigato Godaimaz, Oni-chang...

Back in Ames

It's been 4 days now I am back in Ames... home sweet home...It's kinna weird too to be here.. I am used to the busy life back in everything feels sooo empty.
I didnt write much after my latest post..dont blame me!!! Blame the earthquake that cut off all of the Internet connection for most of Asia countries. Just to summarize, I went to Bali island with my family for 4 days 3 nights. We stayed at Jayakarta Hotel....they have nice swimming pools and the hotel is connected right with Kuta Beach at the back...hmm so whenever we felt like playing with the ocean waves, we would go straight to the beach thennnn as for my twin..he had this "crab hunting mission". He would just sit on the sand, and tried to catch small crabs that running around. EW! I think he managed to catch around 20++ crabs....he put the guys in a big bottle water filled with Kuta sand and ocean water....hahahaha
Hmmm.... I had a blast in Bali.. I learned to snorkle...although I didnt last long in the water, hauhauhaua... for some reason, my imagination ran super wild while I was in the water... yeahh..that's me... Me with this big imagination thinking about how the shark will come out from underwater or how the water will drift all of us that might separate us from the boat or simply being left behind by the boat (just like the movie "Open Water"). hahahaha... Plus, we had to breathe through the snorkle, not nose...but for some reason, my brain didnt want to cooperate with me, so sometimes I accidentally breathe through nose which obviously would invite the salt water to come and taste me...ahuahuahhuaa
Well.. I think I swallowed quite amount of salt water.. let me tell you, it was SUPER SALTY!!! Gosh!! So I decided to go back to the boat and enjoyed suntanning and took pictures all of those happy people in the water... poor meeeee... :(
Anyhow..we ate lots of seafood in Bali....Great food...I met Sen's parents family too...they are really nice...his mom kept feeding us with Balinese food, hahaha....yummy!!!

Then what? then back in Jakarta, we had Ames reunion in Lara Djonggrang...Around 30 ex-Ames citizen came and boy, was I glad to see those familiar faces. I will post some pics later on.

MMMMM... I cant tell everthing I did back home, but I just want to tell ya that I really had a wonderful time!!!! I met my old friends who didnt change a bit, still funny, still hillarious, It made me feel right at home!

I gotaa take a shower now...see ya later!