Food that we made this week..
Hi guys, it's been a week since I wrote my last blog, huh?!
These are pictures of food that me and -s- made this week. Actually we forgot to take pictures of yesterday's food when we had a dinner with bunch of our friends. But, it was super delicious for sure! :D
Anyway, the first picture is Pulut Hitam! I's not really a good pic! Too dark, eh?! But, my twin bro loves to eat it so much that he asks me to make more!! He's already ate like 2 days in a row and he still wants it!?? Dear...I told him to wait for a week, hihihi.
Next is a picture of Indonesian Chicken Noodle. It tastes pretty good! I stole the recipe from my best friend's hubby's website, haihaihia.
The last picture is what we call, Cat's tounge!! ahuiahuahua --> that's the English Translation for the cookie, seriously!! ahiahiahia.. The real name is Lidah Kucing!!! But dont worry guys, it's not really a cat's tounge..I dont know either why it's called Lidah kucing...not an inviting name for a cookie! :P The good thing is, all of my friends love it! Even, Ray's co-worker loves it so much! He is an american by the way but he loves my cookie!! Yayyyy... mission is to make Kue Sus...:D
We'll see how it goes..
At 6:31 AM, Destri Andorf said…
I want more cat's tongue (lidah kucing)!! :P huahauahuahua and hmmm.. ntar kalo kue soes nya dah jadi.. minta juga yah!! :)
At 2:32 PM, Anonymous said…
when are you going to make "lemper ayam"? slurrppp...
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