mOnY's Cozy Space

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Day 7...Roponggi..Sayuri Time!!

Oh gosh!! Look how time goes by so fast!!It's day 7 already???? I ve been here in Tokyo for a week??? Goodness!!! It surely doesnt feel like it!!! I dont like how time goes really fast because that means I have to go back to Ames to live a life as a geek again! *sigh* I especially dread this coming Spring semester because we will have tougher classes and a case competition in the end of the semester. Imagine of the professor who will teach my class next semester has sent us email, telling us that we will have our first assignment due on the first day of class!!!!!!
Danggggg.....*sigh* Oh goes on!!! I ll just have to think that I will graduate soon enough!! Hmmphh..and I believe God will help me..amen..

Anyhow,back to my life in Tokyo. Today we went to Roponggi Hills to watch "the memoirs of Geisha". However, here in Tokyo, they dont name the movie as Geisha, but Sayuri (the name of the geisha). For those of you who havent watched the movie, I strongly recommend you to watch it. It is a very cool movie. I think it runs for about 2.5 hours.

After the movie, we walked around Roponggi Hills and took few pictures there. They had a very cool and "suigooooneee" light along the street. Bluish-silverish light!!!!

Hahahaha...Look at us trying to pretend to pose as
a manekin but without face, LOL.

Here is the three lovely gals inside the Virgin Toho Cinema where we watched Sayuri!! Look at the cool platform and Ipod ad! By the way, the price of watching movie here is around 1000 yen. It usually costs about 1500 yen, but because Wednesday is special ladies night, we got discount!! Yay..


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