mOnY's Cozy Space

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Missing the old times..

Today...I was busy designing and building an ecommerce website for B.S comp. Taking product pictures and building the's not my kinna field but I manage to survive up until today (Thank God!). And the most important thing is I am approaching the next payday on 22nd!! Yayyyy...
It is really weird my knowledge, every company usually has payday every 15th and 31st (the mid and end of month)...but this's every 6th and 22nd! How weird is that...-_-''

Anyhow, I am feeling better about my's not fixed yet.but Im just tired to keep trying to make things work alone by myself...I figure, it takes two to fix this if the other end doesnt care..I really have no choice..hmmm...sounds sad, doesnt it? The problem is..I feel I think too worked up about this stuff..and I dont see whats the point..we cant really force someone to be our best friend, can we? Blahhhhhhhh...see!!! Im doing it again!!! Ok..enough of this..

Well...maybe it's true then the saying about we will feel better when we write our problems..It's like a channel to express your true feelings and stuffs.. tee hee hee..
I feel a bit better day by day....I just wish I will meet someone new and start all over again..You know what...maybe it's time for me to move out from this lil' city...
I have been living here for like 6 years..lots of memories, but it's time to build a new one..

Next destination: plan for future...plan to moving on and outta from Ames!!! :)



  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The essence of true friendship is to make allowance for another's little lapses. ~David Storey


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